Rainbow Snippets – June 16th 2018

It’s been a long time since I have posted a Rainbow Snippet, so I thought it was about time I did. For those of you who don’t know, Rainbow Snippets is a Facebook group where you share a set of sentences from a work that has LGBT related content. If you want to check out this great community for yourselves, be sure to check them out for yourself.

Before I start, I would like to thank Juacamo, an amazing artist who drew a picture of Felix and Ronan from Closing The Circle. In this image, Ronan is comforting Felix after he loses a dear friend.


This week’s snippet is a visit to the world of Closing The Circle. This time around, we focus on Ronan and Felix during one of their first encounters.

Ronan LeClaine sat on the loveseat in the gardens of his home, waiting for his mate to come to join him. Although he had only known the man for less than twenty four hours, his adoration for the spectacled wizard filled every pillar of his being. His soft scent, infused with vanilla and rosehip buds made the alpha’s blood rush through his veins to fill his aching length, and his arms longed to hold Felix in an embrace that would last for a thousand years.

“You wanted to see me Alpha LeClaine?”

Ronan turned his gaze, to see his handsome wizard standing at the edge of the lilypond. The alpha’s wolf growled with anticipation inside of him, and Ronan barely stopped himself from stripping the man naked and licking every inch of his beautiful body.

On a side note, I would like to thank every member of the group who has offered me kind words so far. Your support and friendship mean the world to me. I hope you enjoyed everyone enjoyed this little snippet, and will consider having a glimpse at the completed work.

8 thoughts on “Rainbow Snippets – June 16th 2018

  1. Gorgeous artwork and lovely snippet! So glad to have found this. Not to be picky or mean (this just popped out and looks like the sort of thing I would type ~grin~), but there seems to be a little type. When you wrote ‘for less than twenty fours’ I presume you meant ‘four hours’. Just thought you would want to know. Again, great job. I look forward to more of your words and wish you all the best. Happy Writing!

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